Wednesday, January 12, 2011



I have not written in a while... :( But as you can see be the title of this entry, I dance, there is alot of work that you have to provide for dancing, You can't just become a dancer, you have to really work for it, We went to go get me a new leotard for jazz and ballet and when i got home I realized that the seams of both of the sides were torn, that is not good I told myself, so I told my mom. HAHAHAHA she was kinda mad. It was a very expensive leotard and I was not going to let it go to waste so today, later in the day we are going back to the store, talking to the manager (did i mention that they have a very strict return policy?) and asking for our money back! I can always win someone over with my puppy dog eyes! o.o woof woof. I also finally got leg warmers! WOO-HOO! they weren't as expensive as I thought they would be, $9.00 is a pretty good deal!

Anyway back to dancing, I should be on pointe this summer! yea! Pointe here I come!

P.s DoN't sTAre iT'S nOt nIcE ;) 0.o


  1. Hey! Wow, your day sounds pretty packed tight. We're kinda the same thing, eat, sleep, school, computer, lol.



  2. Yes, you can always win anyone over with those baby blues! Heehee. Glad you were able to return the leotard after all!

    I'm so proud of how far you've come with your dancing! You've always had a natural talent, and I'm so happy that you've really developed a passion for it. I hope that someday I can see you dance on stage! Especially once you are on pointe, which will be so exciting. :)
