Friday, January 14, 2011

Leotard News


It turns out that the leotard could be returned!YEA!!!!!!! I got a dark purple one instead! Ballet is going to be very fun the next few months before the recital! I got a new pack of sharpies,24 count! And guess how much they were :(??? ONLY 11$!!!! TTYL

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



I have not written in a while... :( But as you can see be the title of this entry, I dance, there is alot of work that you have to provide for dancing, You can't just become a dancer, you have to really work for it, We went to go get me a new leotard for jazz and ballet and when i got home I realized that the seams of both of the sides were torn, that is not good I told myself, so I told my mom. HAHAHAHA she was kinda mad. It was a very expensive leotard and I was not going to let it go to waste so today, later in the day we are going back to the store, talking to the manager (did i mention that they have a very strict return policy?) and asking for our money back! I can always win someone over with my puppy dog eyes! o.o woof woof. I also finally got leg warmers! WOO-HOO! they weren't as expensive as I thought they would be, $9.00 is a pretty good deal!

Anyway back to dancing, I should be on pointe this summer! yea! Pointe here I come!

P.s DoN't sTAre iT'S nOt nIcE ;) 0.o

Thursday, January 6, 2011


suuuuuuuuu...... Hello........" The Notebook" is the best movie of all times, although there are some parts in it that are.... AWKWARD! (u know what i meen) anyway u all need to c it!