Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hello! Co-op went good and I have been learning Spanish and Art, for next semester I have helping with the Kindergarden and then Home Ec. So now that we live in Virginia there are tornados hurricanes and all that fun stuff, and so all this is leading up to there is a tornado watch AGAIN today. What happened to the snow? Were'nt the pilgrims FREEZING thier bums off with freezing weather and snow? Yes they were, but since " Global Warming" ( No I don't believe in global warming but I do believe that it is getting hotter seeing that it was 70 yesterday) everything has changed. As you can tell I WANT SNOW! Oh, and Happy First day of DECEMBER! 22 days till my B-day!

Todays forecast is rain


Don't stare, it's not nice :P


  1. Lolz, wow. If there were tornados that much I'd be sitting in my house freaking out. XD

    Have a good first day of December :)

  2. Nikki, I really don't think that the pilgrims liked freezing their bums off. YOU on the other hand would probably be like "SNOWWWWW!!!!" and go play in it. Poor pilgrims, poor you. ;) BTW Happy early birthday! :)

    Our snow melted and all that was left of our halfway-finished snowman was a pile of mush. When are you thinking you are coming to Washington?

  3. Very ture Carissa,

    Well we finally got snow on the 13th and only around an inch of it though, sad sad sad, and right now it is very cold and way to freezing to go outside, sob, call me! Some very imprtant news to talk about!

    And about WA, either in Feb. or March....
