Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today is the day that WE have to leave. I mean, I don't really care if I wake up once a night because of Landon, I REALLY DON'T CARE! Only two nights with you favorite nephew (and only) is not enough! Mom,Lindsay, and I really need more time with him, think about it, We are five hours away and that is way to long to see your nephew.

can you think of any ways to get me to stay????? Hope you can help me!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I don't blame you! I felt the same way when I went to visit him when he was just an eensie little baby. It's tough to leave such a sweet little nephew! :) Well, hopefully you can get over to visit every couple of months since you're not TOO far away. Try being a bajillion states away, like me.

    Oh, did you hear that I get to see you guys on the 4th of July weekend? :) YAAAY!
